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Red Neck Wannabe



Personality analysis

I think that this person might quite possibly be a danger in their own mind.

He/She likely is male, lives in the NY area maybe Apollo?, and wants to join the the Thin Blue Line.

Whether he expects an invasion over the Northern border hes keen to practice popping the peasants crossing the Southern as his video game preferences show.
Until the call to serve comes knocking he is at home with his Pet Fish and Canaries, worrying that his BodyMassIndex may thwart his destiny as a hero.

He has made enquiries about starting out with a BB Gun, and some other enquiries on this computer that he'd like to be cleaned off Great attention to this subject of cleaning his machine. Maybe AOL is not his only provider, and maybe he never contemplated they would share his searches. He likes listening to the The Cars when hes not playing Sniper Save the Nation.
His one weakness might be a fondness for tickling websites, but too many little boy pictures in that line of enquiry.