

O. rosmarus rosmarus O. rosmarus ivergens O. rosmarus laptevi (debated)

Trivia about walrus

  • Odobenus, the genus name of this animal, comes from the Greek for "one who walks with his teeth"
  • It's the only seal with tusks
  • In mating season the males of this tusked seal make bell-like sounds in the water to attract females
  • The bellow of this tusked sea animal can be heard from half a mile away
  • "I am" this animal that uses its 39" tusks both to defend itself against polar bears & as hooks to climb on ice
  • You could say this Arctic mammal, Odobenus rosmarus, has a Wilford Brimley mustache
  • The Inuit use all parts of this pinniped; its large canine teeth are used to carve small decorative objects
  • This tusked pinniped takes clams into its mouth & sucks the flesh from the shell
  • The Viking name for this tusked Arctic animal meant "whale horse"
  • Mustached marine mammal(6)
  • A soupstrainer moustache is also known by this aquatic mammal's name
  • This tusked pinniped has air sacs in its neck enabling it to keep its head above water while sleeping
  • The bulls of this tusked aquatic mammal also known as the morse may weigh over 3,000 pounds
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark.) No Viking ship has yet been found with well-preserved sail & rigging; sails are recreated using wool or flax, & ropes are often made with the skin of this tusked mammal
  • 3-foot-long tusks & inch-&-a-half-thick skin are among the defenses of this Arctic mammal
  • This pinniped uses its tusks to dig mollusks from the ocean floor
  • "The time has come", this character says, "to talk of many things"
  • It was once thought that this pinniped raked the ocean floor with its tusks to look for food