tropic of cancer


The tropic of cancer or Northern tropic, is one of five major circles of latitue that mark maps of the Earth. It is the northernmost latitude at which the Sun can appear directly overhead at noon. This event occurs at the June solstice, when the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun to its maximum extent.

Trivia about tropic of cancer

  • It's the next line north of the Equator that has been named as well as numbered
  • Warm, inviting Miami lies just 2 degrees north of this tropic line
  • This line lies 23 degrees 27 minutes north of the Equator
  • On our summer solstice, the sun at noon is directly over this "tropic"
  • Though it's fiction, this first Henry Miller novel tells of the adventures of Henry Miller in Paris
  • This important parallel of latitude is located at 23 degrees, 27 minutes north of the equator
  • A Miller's tale:"23 Degrees, 27 Minutes North of the Equator"