

A trampoline is a gymnastic an recreational device consisting of a piece of taut, strong fabric stretched over a steel frame using many coiled springs to provide a rebounding force which propels the jumper high into the air. In a trampoline, the fabric is not elastic itself; the elasticity is provided by the springs which connect it to the frame.

Trivia about trampoline

  • The devices used in this new Olympic sport can propel somersaulting gymnasts up to 30 feet in the air
  • The first World Championship in this gymnastic sport bounced into view in 1964
  • George Nissen invented this, a "bouncing table", after seeing how circus performers bounced into safety nets
  • In 1989 accidents on this exercise apparatus "bounced" nearly 16,000 people to the hospital
  • A mat attached to a frame used as a springboard; sorry, gotta bounce!
  • Inspired by circus safety nets, George Nissen invented this piece of gymnastics equipment
  • Gymnast George Nissen invented the first modern one of these in 1936; some called it a bouncing net
  • ...a 12-foot one of these for the backyard, with a netting enclosure, & I'll be jumping (on it) for joy!
  • George Nissen & Larry Griswold made the first modern one of these in 1935 using an iron frame & a piece of canvas
  • In the 1930s George Nissen developed this bouncy apparatus which later split off from gymnastics
  • This device whose name is from the Italian for "springboard" was perfected in the 1930s