the iliad


Composed around 700 B.C., it recounts a war fought over the abduction of a famous beauty

Trivia about the iliad

  • George Chapman's translation of this Homer work was completed in 1611; his "Odyssey" appeared in 1616
  • Written first
  • Achilles goes into a snit when the king steals his babe; he doesn't get over it for several hundred pages
  • This ancient work is set in the final year of the Trojan War
  • In this epic poem, Achilles leaves the battlefield after Agamemnon confiscates his prize of war, the maid Briseis
  • Not written by a Brit
  • "Troy" by Adele Geras is a young adult novel reworking of this Homer epic
  • The first line of this poem is "Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus's son Achilles"
  • This ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer describes the siege of Troy