southwest flights


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Tweets about southwest flights

  • On Southwest flights, I try to present myself as much of a space hog as possible. This oft results in some giant dude sitting next to me 😳.
  • @SouthwestAir I know it's not much, but roughly 5k a year spent on southwest flights is no more. Fuck you and your greed. I vote with my $$.
  • So my step mom just paid 256$ for a new plane ticket cuz there was a luggage problem? Fuck southwest flights
  • I always get stuck with middle seats on southwest flights 😒
  • Adults - If you are planning to go to the Extravaganza in Detroit in Jan/Feb 2015, Southwest flights out of BWI...
  • Why does everyone on Southwest flights ask if I'm older than 15 every time I sit in an exit row? 😓 #DoILookThatYoung
  • @NEDFiles I found Southwest flights from Sacramento to Dallas for like $170 each way.
  • Finally!!! Southwest flights from Midway, to Reagan airport in Washington D.C. @JohanMowry
  • 9:45 flight to Seattle and $300 credit for southwest flights... HMMM TEMPTING
  • "We're looking for seating material not marriage material, pick a seat" 😂 I like this San Francisco flight crew #southwest #flights
  • southwest flights you'll still take it
  • @AhmedAbdulatif southwest flights were always pretty chilled (Houston to Tulsa) forget American airlines they are the worst extremely bad CS
  • Whose bright idea was it to put four incoming southwest flights on the same baggage claim? #mayhem
  • @BakerKaitlin non-stop #southwest flights from ATL are usually reasonable
  • Boarding Southwest flights is always funny because everyone is always too awkward to ask for a middle seat
  • Book you flights and conformation, southwest flights you'll still take them
  • *looks up Southwest flights from New York, Boston, and Dallas*
  • @RawSports365 Damn. Sound like you missed the 69 buck southwest flights about a month ago
  • The last three Southwest flights I have been on have been LATE! I remember when SW was a great company, not so much anymore
  • #thingsthatgivemeanxiety picking where to sit on southwest flights
  • RT @JeremiahOfDoom: Usually on southwest flights, people try not to sit near me since you pick your own seat. I'll put a…
  • Usually on southwest flights, people try not to sit near me since you pick your own seat. I'll put a…
  • When are southwest flights nott delayed loll
  • People that try to get in the exact order in line on southwest flights suck
  • What's going on with outbound Southwest flights in November? Are we only going to have outbound flights on Tuesdays and Saturdays?
  • Why are southwest flights almost always full?