

Carl Linnaeus (Carl Linné, Latinize as Carolus Linnaeus, also known after his ennoblement as Carl von Linné  (help·info), May 23 new style (13 May old style), 1707 – January 10, 1778) was a Swedish botanist, physician and zoologist who laid the foundations for the modern scheme of Binomial nomenclature. He is known as the father of modern taxonomy, and is also considered one of the fathers of modern ecology (see History of ecology).

Trivia about linnaeus

  • This Swedish botanist was the first to use the Mars & Venus symbols to represent male & female
  • In 1758 this Swedish biologist introduced binomial nomenclature
  • In 1729 this Swede wrote "Praeludia Sponsaliorum Plantarum", which described the sexual processes of plants
  • This Swedish botanist introduced the binomial system of biological nomenclature now named for him

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