

Grass is the common wor that generally describes monocotyledonous green plants. The family Gramineae (Poaceae) are the "true grasses" and include most plants grown as grains, for pasture, and for lawns (turf). They include some more specialised crops such as lemongrass, as well as many ornamental plants. They also include plants often not recognized to be grasses, such as bamboos or some species of weeds called crab grass.

Trivia about grass

  • Walt Whitman called this "the beautiful uncut hair of graves"
  • The prairie has been called a "Sea of" this, like the over 6-foot-tall Big Bluestem
  • Carl Sandburg wrote, "I am" this most abundant type of flora; "I cover all"
  • Brown Bent, a type of this, is a favorite of golf groundskeepers because it can be cut very short
  • The Wimbledon championships are the only Grand Slam event played on this surface
  • The traditional hula is danced in skirts made of leaves; skirts made of this came from the Gilbert islands
  • Bahia & fescue are types of this
  • Edouard Manet:"Luncheon on the ___"
  • It's your basic nosh for gnus
  • W.W. lamented childlike wonder: "Nothing can bring back the hour / Of splendour in" this, "Of glory in the flower"

Tweets about grass

  • RT @taiki_nishimura: テレビ局からアイドルオタクの取材協力依頼。自宅を見たいとDとADが来るが、入るなり「アイドルのポスターを貼りまくらないのですか?」邪魔だから貼らない「アイドルグッズもないんですか?」邪魔だから。「ヲタ芸とかします?」歌詞派だから。結果「…