

Geometry (Greek γεωμετρία; geo = earth, metria = measure) is a part of mathematics concerne with questions of size, shape, and relative position of figures and with properties of space. Geometry is one of the oldest sciences. Initially a body of practical knowledge concerning lengths, areas, and volumes, in the third century B.C., geometry was put into an axiomatic form by Euclid, whose treatment - Euclidean geometry - set a standard for many centuries to follow. The field of astronomy, especially mapping the positions of the stars and planets on the celestial sphere, served as an important source of geometric problems during the next one and a half millennia.

Trivia about geometry

  • Type of math comparing lines & angles that the writer of this clue nearly failed in high school
  • Thomas Hobbes became an enthusiast in this field upon reading Euclid in disbelief
  • Descartes devised the analytic or coordinate type of this
  • In this math course you'll learn all the angles
  • Descartes invented the analytic or coordinate type of this, from the Greek for "earth measure"
  • The name of this branch of math comes from 2 Greek words meaning "earth measure"
  • Jean Poncelet's work on conic sections helped found the "projective" form of this branch of mathematics