

Tweets about focalin

  • Eminem is SO good
  • "The past his history, the future is a mystery, today is a gift, that's why the call it the present" is one of my favorite quotes.
  • RT @RiotFest: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK. It's free and open 24/7. You're not alone (Just a reminder, becau…
  • "Great Quote"
  • @deanokat My son is the same way, we have to put him on Focalin XR 30milligrams 5 days a week just to get him through school
  • man, I hope @JakeSnakeDDT pulls through this.
  • I wake up from a nap from a nap and see @AEPodcast has a new episode up. What if I didn't wake up, and this is heaven?
  • I overslept, and i'm super tired. I miss you, Caffeine, come back to me <3
  • @tipsymamma @Blankeezy1 yes, but it takes a while to get into his system and to see how his body will react to it. My son takes Focalin
  • @Trichoblast You took some focalin without feeling anxious?
  • @RiotFest what distingushes someone from being a "celebrity" or not?
  • fuuuck I was literally skin and bones in 2009
  • Dangerous is on REPEAT like it aint no thing.
  • x: "if someone was coming to Vancouver for the first time, where could they bury a body?" o: "uhh...probably surrey"
  • I wish my hair would grow faster.
  • I worry about how many amazing young minds are subdued by ritalin and focalin because they've got an "attention deficit"
  • Went to bed at 5 am yesterday and woke up at 10:00 yet I'm still not tired #insomnia or focalin that is the question
  • You understand, they got a plan for us I bet you didn't know that I was dangerous