

E-Ring was a television military rama, created by Ken Robinson and David McKenna and executive produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, that premiered on NBC on September 21, 2005. The title of the show refers to the structure of The Pentagon, which is configured in five concentric rings, from "A" to "E", with E being the outermost ring, which is considered to be where the more high-profile work is done. The show stars Benjamin Bratt as Major James Tisnewski and Dennis Hopper as Colonel Eli McNulty, as officers working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Tweets about e-ring

  • Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at https://t.co/qQQFs58owZ fun trendy initial E ring (size 6) #fashion #trendy #etsy #retweet
  • tem um que o nome é ring boxeJURO
  • 🐸☕ "@neon_lotus: did i also mention that i ignore hate Tweets?! So be prepared tu get in e ring with urself coz imma be like Kermit on yu"
  • これは充実感のため息だからね 劇場版セカコイ見終わった人みんなこのため息してたから
  • はわあ〜(ホモ映画を見た後にうっかり出てしまうため息)
  • はわ…黄瀬を蹴って元気だそうって体育館に行く笠松センパイマジホモ2000%だからね
  • 笠松センパイ…バスケサークルと軽音サークルを掛け持ちしてる笠松センパイ…
  • 普通に森山と同じ大学行きたいな〜って感じだったらかわいい 笠松さん自分の人生もっと考えようwww
  • 黒バス番外編の笠松センパイが存外バカでわろてるけど、何で推薦入学しなかったの…全国区のキャプテンでしょアンタ…と絶望しつつ、もしかして笠松さんはバスケは高校で終わりにするとか!!?と妄想して最終的に軽音サークルに入りそこで一浪してるサブカルビッチに狙われるとこまできて鬱になった
  • @RedScareBot Let P.E.A.C.E. ring !
  • @iiuure jay z desce 2x, eu acho. E foram dois de gravação. Partition tá ótimo! Mas minha favorita é Ring The Alarm
  • RT @g_so: Kelly Rutherford starred in both Threat Matrix and E-Ring: ,
  • RT @letthelightin__: @KellyRutherford Did you like in "E-ring" this couple?? https://t.co/A5geRJjg
  • RT @KellyRutherford: With @andrewtmccarthy on set. Worked together as actors on e-ring & now he's directing GG. True genius! xo k
  • RT @KellyRutherford: @LeraNekrasova I love Lilly and Judy Owen from Home Front . E Ring was fun too.
  • RT @UJObserver: APK E-Ring 308A RT “@missnazzydoll: Where can I get hold of the @UJObserver newspaper”
  • APK E-Ring 308A RT “@missnazzydoll: Where can I get hold of the @UJObserver newspaper”
  • Early 2013 article on his move to CENTCOM special ops // Nagata to command CENTCOM special ops
  • RT @shonenjump_plus: 【黒子のバスケ】少年ジャンプ+では、黒子のバスケの番外編を連載いたします。本日、描き下ろしのepilogue1を配信開始! WCの激戦から暫くして…新たな一歩を踏み出し始めた彼らの「その後」のストーリーです!
  • Make e ring alarm ooo