

In chemistry, mineralogy, an materials science, a crystal is a solid in which the constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are packed in a regularly ordered, repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions.

Trivia about crystal

  • Derived from the Greek for "ice", it's a glass of fine quality that resembles ice
  • Because salt comes in this form, you could give it as a 15th anniversary gift; it's cheaper than Waterford
  • Sir Joseph Paxton's palace, or Dr. Robert Schuller's cathedral
  • From the Greek kryos, "ice", it's the shape a mineral grows into when unrestricted
  • From the Greek kryos, "ice", it's the form a mineral grows into when unrestricted
  • The repeating symmetrical pattern that defines this type of solid is called a lattice
  • New Age therapies abound for healing with this substance forming here; it's also Loretta's sister