aol chat rooms


Tweets about aol chat rooms

  • whatever. now i'm just an old lady who misses aol chat rooms. get off my lawn, etc.
  • Does anybody else miss #aol chat rooms?!?! neither.....
  • @brianstelter ahhh like the old days of AOL chat rooms #daysgoneby
  • RT @d_cosmonaut: AOL CHAT ROOMS?
  • AOL chat rooms was popping, but we was all young kids. We all got responsibilities. We really don't have reasons to talk now like we did.
  • Photo: theclearlydope: "I AM GROOT" Wish AOL chat rooms were still around.  [via]
  • @GiraffeSM AOL chat rooms in about 1995 :)
  • RT @Ms_Lyn_Marie: I remember when the AOL Chat rooms use to jump!
  • I remember when the AOL Chat rooms use to jump!
  • Lol. Quite welcome! @jplussocial: Oh yeah, I remember AOL Chat Rooms! :) Thanks for the share!
  • @BenBlowingUp @amer1canhero man I remember talking games in AOL chat rooms bad bad times I love twitter
  • I still use AOL chat rooms to talk to 40 year old men
  • @r3socialmedia Oh yeah, I remember AOL Chat Rooms! :) Thanks for the share!
  • @AznJames704 @IamPhoReal do u remember aol chat rooms? Lol
  • Fucking aol chat rooms man
  • Remember when MSN Messenger , ICQ and AOL chat rooms were the original social networks.
  • RT @committingacin: @eTheHustla aol chat rooms? those used to be the waveeeee
  • RT @eTheHustla: I use to frequent AOL chat rooms, AIM chat rooms, it got to the point where I was an owner of a chat room...
  • “@eTheHustla: Yehp “@committingacin: @eTheHustla aol chat rooms? those used to be the waveeeee”” omg aol!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
  • I use to frequent AOL chat rooms, AIM chat rooms, it got to the point where I was an owner of a chat room...
  • RT @HerSheScoop: "@eTheHustla: Yehp “@committingacin: @eTheHustla aol chat rooms? those used to be the waveeeee”" TEENCHAT LMAO
  • "@eTheHustla: Yehp “@committingacin: @eTheHustla aol chat rooms? those used to be the waveeeee”" TEENCHAT LMAO
  • Yehp “@committingacin: @eTheHustla aol chat rooms? those used to be the waveeeee”
  • @eTheHustla aol chat rooms? those used to be the waveeeee
  • @MLSAnalyst @ClickHole It was the only way to follow the OJ Simpson chase via AOL Chat rooms
  • I might've been the original catfish. Cuz I was 22 in them AOL chat rooms 15years ago.... I'm only 27 now.
  • Find me on the aol chat rooms, girl.
  • @NikaHarper AOL chat rooms of the past. I think I remember a few sites that had their own chat clients.
  • @madisonlawrence haha I'm pretty old, I remember aol chat rooms before they created instant messenger. Those were the days.
  • Orlando chat "@YouGotTheJuice: I remember I used to terrorize AOL chat rooms looking for people to smash in Halo 2."
  • NIGGA RT @YouGotTheJuice: I remember I used to terrorize AOL chat rooms looking for people to smash in Halo 2.
  • I remember I used to terrorize AOL chat rooms looking for people to smash in Halo 2.
  • @labroides @Dr_Kalmia suddenly it's the late 90's and people are in aol chat rooms...gasp!
  • Aol chat rooms
  • If AOL chat rooms had video, I would've made so many people upset like this.
  • @fwong I learned through AOL Chat Rooms. It was like the typing Wild West!
  • In aol chat rooms like <----send pics.
  • A guy told me had to do the "ASL" challenge tonight. Uh, you mean the #ALSIceBucketChallenge, bro? "ASL" was what we did in AOL chat rooms
  • remember AOL chat rooms? A/S/L?
  • @dougiemcfly ahhh the memories of being asked a/s/l in aol chat rooms! I'm now 22 female bournemouth