anion gap


The anion gap is use to aid in the differential diagnosis of metabolic acidosis.

Tweets about anion gap

  • @ERGoddessMD the anion gap was 20, let the pt eat, and didn't cover the food. Ridiculous
  • Meno Anion gap, Più Onion rings.
  • Anion gap metabolic acidosis: causes MUDPILES: Methanol Uremia Diabetic ketoacidosis Paraldehyde Infection Lactic...
  • 【Anion Gap(AG)】 =Na-(Cl+HCO3) 正常値:12±2mEq/l 安直にはケトン体や乳酸などの不揮発性酸の濃度を表し、その増加は代謝性アシドーシスの存在を示唆する。
  • RT @TheWellnessLife: Anion gap metabolic acidosis without an explanation. Waiting on CPK. Interesting case.
  • Anion gap metabolic acidosis without an explanation. Waiting on CPK. Interesting case.
  • AG アニオンギャップ Anion gap アニオン ギャップ
  • Successfully Treated Calcific Uremic Arteriolopathy: Two Cases of a High Anion Gap…
  • Normal Urine Anion Gap should be negative (UNa + UK - UCl-) #RTA
  • AKI 水貯留:肺うっ血・肺水腫・高血圧 糸球体透過性亢進:低アルブミン血症・浮腫 尿細管障害:anion gap↑ 消化管出血 貧血 ※全身炎症を伴うわけではないので単体では発熱を認めない
  • @lindsaydykstra what acids are present causing the anion gap? #vm724rocks @vetclinpathcsu #areyousmarterthanasophomore? #treatsfortweets
  • LOL RT“@MaverickIndeed: How we gon calculate this anion gap, bruh?”
  • How we gon calculate this anion gap, bruh?
  • Recuerda que… En las acidosis hiperclorémicas (o con anión GAP normal), los hidrogeniones del medio extracelular...
  • The best indicator to follow the improvement of DKA is serum anion gap.