

An aci (often represented by the generic formula HA [H+A-]) is traditionally considered any chemical compound that, when dissolved in water, gives a solution with a hydrogen ion activity greater than in pure water, i.e. a pH less than 7.0. That approximates the modern definition of Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted and Martin Lowry, who independently defined an acid as a compound which donates a hydrogen ion (H+) to another compound (called a base). Common examples include acetic acid (in vinegar) and sulfuric acid (used in car batteries). Acid/base systems are different from redox reactions in that there is no change in oxidation state.

Trivia about acid

  • It's the "A" being controlled by Pepcid AC
  • Regular Coke contains the phosphoric type; Diet Coke has citric, too
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew wanders through an ancient olive pressery on Naxos, Greece.) Cold-pressed olive oil is naturally low in this, & is classified by its ascending level of it
  • ( Cheryl of the Clue Crew delivers the clue from a science lab. ) After five minutes in lemon juice, the coin is shiny because the lemon's this works chemically to remove the oxide
  • Calcite is recognizable from the bubbles that form when this is applied during a test
  • (Cheryl of the Clue Crew indicates a flower.) The color of a hydrangea's flowers can be determined by the level of this in the soil; above 6 for pink flowers, lower for blue
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew cuts an onion in a bowl full of water.) To slice an onion without tears, cut it under water where the allinase enzymes present can't form sulfinic this when reacting with your eyes
  • Cavities form when bacteria break down sugars, forming this substance that dissolves enamel

Tweets about acid

  • @Warrior_Jena *i shake off the acid & continue chasing you, catching up quickly.*
  • RT @act_NATural11: Tine singing Acid Queen>>>>>>
  • “@RareHipHopPic: Still listen to Acid Rap”
  • I want my first time on acid/shrooms to be with bae
  • RT @429LifeStyles: “@HelenStellar__: CHANCE, acid rapper” // Soccer Hackey Sacker
  • RT @RareHipHopPic: Still listen to Acid Rap
  • Dropping acid is scary stuff man
  • I love momma dee but she stay all up scrappy business a lil too much
  • RT @ChrishanaFancy: that acid rain.. lol RT @Briceline_: It said take shelter now. Wtf type rain is this
  • RT @_odane: Acid Rap doesn't get old
  • but w/o a doubt best new artist of the year...that project he released earlier this year was kind of like a more aggressive Acid Rap
  • Or even I can acquire some acid appear a couple tab and get the mind back again on track.
  • @NikoGarcia7 we think he did acid and thought he was in london so thats why he has an accent
  • pouting because @fireh9lly refuses to write me an acid house song about Metal Gear Ac!d
  • yesterday i saw a hippie take 2 tabs of acid, chug a qt of mushroom tea (go daddy juice 10.5) & eat 3 shroom caps before driving me home
  • “Regular Show was actually based on a cartoon in which the main characters are tripping on acid. LO SABÍA bue
  • acid
  • RT @dazvein: who wants to trip acid with me tonight
  • Some peeps can be so fake that.. That it takes the grace of friendship that you don't pure them raw acid...▼
  • @frasesdebebada mentira mais usada
  • RT @dekisugi_nomiso: 蚊に刺されてかゆいのは蚊が持ってる 毒性(formic acid)のせいであり、 この毒性は人体には無害で48℃以上の温度で 消えるので蚊にさされたときは お湯で濡らしたタオルをさされたところに 当てておけばすぐ収まり、かゆくなくなる。
  • “@trapkeonna: “@wodypls: whu wnts 2 drop sum acid? you should probably drop some lotion on them hands 1st” 😂😂😂😂
  • It's literally given me acid tears
  • RT @eKarir: Lowongan PT. Indomarco Prismatama Terbaru 2014, disini >
  • RT @FireDaily: FOUR FFs INJURED IN MA BY NITRIC ACID EXPOSURE #fire #firefighter
  • Acid-sensitive Ion Channels Affect Addiction-Related Behavior
  • RT @AlPhilipson: In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.
  • 蚊に刺されてかゆいのは蚊が持ってる 毒性(formic acid)のせいであり、 この毒性は人体には無害で48℃以上の温度で 消えるので蚊にさされたときは お湯で濡らしたタオルをさされたところに 当てておけばすぐ収まり、かゆくなくなる。
  • LSD Acid for $1.00 at Powder Ridge Rock Festival, 1970 .
  • Katy Perry's dad used to manufacture and sell acid with Timothy Leary, and her mom dated Jimi Hendrix. Both are now Pentacostal pastors.
  • 【本日発売の雑誌】「CD&DLでーた」8月号発売!今号は表紙にUVERworld、裏表紙にはSCANDALが登場!両アーティストの両面ポスター付!ほかAcid Black Cherry/阿部真央/クリープハイプなどなど(RK)
  • why do i miss you
  • Regular Show was actually based on a cartoon in which the main characters are tripping on acid.
  • i lowkey want you
  • the nicest people get hurt the most
  • Stroberi, tomat dan anggur banyak mengandung 'malic acid' yang dapat memutihkan gigi.
  • “@KidCudiGifs: @KidCudi you definitely proved that at coachella hahaha lmfao ahaha the acid was kickin it
  • marry someone whose laughter sounds better than your favorite song
  • #DidYouKnow whey #protein contains leucine, an amino acid that helps stimulate muscle development? RT if you learned something new!
  • we waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love
  • New stuff #tshirt #tiedye #acid #RIKZcloth #kissband #clothing #clothingline #apparel #streetwear…
  • RT @kunai_k: ブラジルは最後二試合いいとこなしだったな、強さを見れなくて残念だ
  • @orca310_ev にゃーん♡(´,,•ω•,,`)
  • Free前期視聴中
  • @tea713 へへへ(੭ु`・ω・´)੭ु⁾⁾
  • 17 traders booked for violating acid selling norms: Inspections were conducted on 96 premises involved in stoc...
  • RT @cam10min: 小説でエロ書く人には是非この前立腺の感じ方を勉強して欲しい…。前立腺にかすめられてイキナリ「ヒアッ?!」ってなるんじゃないんやで、、、