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1 1950's 6 45
2 kids newsroom.org 4 5
3 1930 entertainment 3 3
4 kids news 3 20
5 kids news room 2 2
6 1920's 2 24
7 1950's cars 1 2
8 kidnewsroom 1 1
9 famous people of the 1950's 1 2
10 kids newsroom 1 2
11 wicki wachee mermaids 1 1
12 60's clothes for men 1 1
13 the 1950's 1 5
14 1920's dance 1 2
15 1920's radio 1 1
16 kids 1950 1 1
17 eli whitney's parents 1 2
18 entertainment in the 1950s 1 3
19 kidsnews.org 1 2
20 1927 first talking movie 1 1
21 major disasters that took place in the 1980's 1 1
22 the roaring 1920's 1 1
23 fad and fashion of 1921 1 1
24 kidsnewsroom.org 1 1
25 kidsnewsroom 1 1
26 be-bop and bobby socks 1 1
27 1960's inventions 1 4
28 president in the 1920's 1 1
29 1950's families 1 2
30 1980's 1 24
31 kidsnewsroom.com 1 2
32 what is the heliocentric theory 1 1
33 famous people who died in 1920 1 1
34 about the twenties 1 1
35 the 1950s a-z 1 1
36 eli whitney - parents 1 1
37 how mercury was formed 1 1
38 kid newsroom.org 1 1
39 www.kidsnewsroom.com. 1 1
40 politics in the 1910's 1 1
41 'louis braille the boy who invented books for the blind' 1 1
42 television shows in the 1950s 1 1
43 polygons quiz 1 1
44 american soldier choking mexican 1 1
45 current events children 1 1
46 entertainment for families during the 1900's 1 1
47 1920 s 1 2
48 dance marathons 1920 1 1
49 1920's famous people 1 1
50 louis braille portrait 1 1
51 1980's presidents 1 3
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53 teenagers in the 1950's 1 3
54 new york in the 1900's 1 1
55 fifties tv families 1 1
56 high school homework fifties television 1 2
57 colts lose to steelers 1 1
58 entertainment in the 1980's 1 1
59 benjamin franklin key 1 1
60 1950's decade 1 1
61 famous people 1920's 1 1
62 1920's president 1 1
63 clothing of the 1910's 1 1
64 famous people of the roaring twenties 1 1
65 the 1920's 1 7
66 1950s a-z 1 1
67 1950's teen fun 1 1
68 washington redskin weekly 1 1
69 new technologies 1950's 1 1
70 1930's 1 9
71 inventions during the great depression 1 1