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Chicago Tribune
Columns by Steve Chapman, John Kass, Clarence Page, Mary Schmich, Dawn Turner Trice, Don Wycliff and Eric Zorn. Sports: Mike Downey, Rick Morrissey, Lew Freedman, Jimmy Greenfield, Chris Malcolm, Fred Mitchell, Phil Rogers, Steve Rosenbloom, Ed Sherman, Sam Smith, Barry Temkin and Bob Verdi. Business: Bill Barnhart, James Coates, Jim Kirk, Carol Kleiman, Jim Mateja and Mary Umberger. Critics: Alan Artner, Michael Phillips, Steve Johnson, Blair Kamin, Julia Keller, Greg Kot, Howard Reich, John Von Rhein, Phil Vettel, Michael Wilmington and Mark Caro. Leisure: Terry Armour, Amy Dickinson, Leah Eskin, Rick Kogan and Cheryl Lavin.

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