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ECRP. Early Childhood Research & Practice
This peer-reviewed electronic journal emphasizes articles reporting on practice-related research and development, and on issues related to practice, parent participation, and policy.

Keyword Results for
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1 class room project for spring 1 1
2 symbolic play 1 3
3 how to set up an older infant classroom 1 1
4 mother child attachment inventory 1 1
5 teaching other countries to preschool 1 1
6 perspectives on the foundation stage 1 1
7 multicultural review 1 1
8 what careers come from early childhood education diploma 1 1
9 what are strengths and weaknesses of the montessori method 1 1
10 making kids behave during storytime 1 1
11 validity in special education 1 1
12 children's group games spring 1 1