Real World Haskell

Alexa traffic report for BOOK.REALWORLDHASKELL.ORG

Tweets about

  • Rx の実装がモナド用語ばりばりで全然わからずむかつくためいいかげんちょっと齧りたいのだけれど Real World Haskell は素人にも読めるのだろうか、とおもいつつ前書き読み中・・・
  • @dijkstracula @alexcruise @d6 @wfaler @kaleidic those are good follow up imo: and
  • @etrepum Beginning with Haskell I would start with "Real world Haskell" a great textbook!
  • @sdbo Cool! For what it's worth, trying to add some state to the UDP syslog example here
  • @AidyLewis I personally prefer the tone of this book though: