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  • El WJCC debería dar charlas sobre cocina internacional. Onda Acurio
  • Here with my #WJCC sis, straight from Tennessee. Idk she would want to come to #Springfield but…
  • Может быть, не в тему коммен
  • @jerseyjazzman @EduShyster @ericlerum Live by the "we're just commercial contractors" sword, die by WJCC sword. We choose not to fund you.
  • "At first glance, the iPad looks like a miniature chalkboard." Worth a read if just for the opening by @ianpbrickey:
  • Starting this year, every teacher in @WJCCSchools will have access to an iPad:
  • World Junior Chess Championship in Durban #WJCC
  • #vachat Phil, AP from WJCC and your moderator for tonight!
  • RT @kevin_mooney18: In honor of Merica Monday, I say we break off from wjcc and celebrate our independence