TNT or T.N.T. may refer to:

Trivia about tnt

  • Trinitrotoluene is commonly known by this abbreviation
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew holds an explosive brick at the New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology.) This 3-lettered nitrogen compound popular in demolition can be cast in liquid form, because it melts at 178 degrees, but won't explode below 464
  • (Jon of he Clue Crew delivers the clue from White Sands NASA Test Facility in New Mexico.) Used to test propellants & explosives, NASA's White Sands High Energy Blast Facility can withstand blasts of 500 pounds of trinitrotoluene, also known by this 3-letter term
  • A cable network, or an explosive
  • If toluene reacts with nitric acid, things get explosive with the compound known by these 3 letters
  • A TV cable network, or an explosive for bombs
  • "The Closer "
  • This dye industry chemical was not used as an explosive until 1904; it later became prized by the military