

The spleen is an organ foun in all vertebrate animals. In humans, the spleen is located in the abdomen of the body, where it functions in the destruction of redundant red blood cells and holds a reservoir of blood. It is regarded as one of the centers of activity of the reticuloendothelial system (part of the immune system). It is increasingly recognized that its absence leads to a predisposition to certain infections.

Trivia about spleen

  • Though associated with ill temper, this organ actually produces antibodies
  • Each day this dark purple, ductless 6-letter organ destroys about 200 billion red blood cells on purpose
  • This spongy organ filters foreign substances & damaged cells from the blood
  • This purplish lymphatic organ is a major filtering element for the blood
  • A spongy organ near your stomach
  • In the fetus, this organ produces red blood cells; in adults, it focuses on destroying worn-out ones
  • This lymphoid organ destroys worn-out red blood cells & filters bacteria & foreign particles
  • About the size of a fist, it's located on the left side of the abdomen, near the stomach
  • For this lymphoid organ on the abdominal cavity's left side under the diaphragm; "It's red & white pulp-eriffic!"
  • Gray's says this largest ductless gland is "highly vascular" & "dark purple"
  • You can "vent" this soft, ductless organ that fights infection with parasite detection