

Soium (pronounced /ˈsoʊdiəm/) is a chemical element which has the symbol Na (Latin: natrium), atomic number 11, atomic mass 22.9898 g/mol, common oxidation number +1. Sodium is a soft, silvery white, highly reactive element and is a member of the alkali metals within "group 1" (formerly known as ‘group IA’). It has only one stable isotope, 23Na. Sodium was first isolated by Sir Humphry Davy in 1807 by passing an electric current through molten sodium hydroxide. Sodium quickly oxidizes in air and is violently reactive with water, so it must be stored in an inert medium, such as kerosene. Sodium is present in great quantities in the earth's oceans as sodium chloride (common salt). It is also a component of many minerals, and it is an essential element for animal life. As such, it is classified as a “dietary inorganic macro-mineral.”

Trivia about sodium

  • Soft water is made soft by adding ions of this element that's abundant in seawater
  • "Sir Humphry Davy/Abominated gravy/He lived in the odium/of having discovered" this rhyming element
  • As indicated by its chemical name, the 2 main elements in table salt are chlorine & this
  • In combination with chlorine, this element makes up about 80% of the dissolved constituents of seawater
  • This element is called natrium in Latin, hence its symbol Na
  • Look for the milligrams of this chemical element; big numbers could lead to high blood pressure
  • People with hypertension should diet & limit their intake of alcohol & this chemical element
  • Seidlitz Powder, taken for cathartic effect, includes this element's bicarbonate
  • Half a cup of cottage cheese has as much of this element linked to hypertension as 32 potato chips
  • Baking soda, salt & lye all contain this element
  • When exercising, be sure to replace this element you sweat out, or you risk hyponatremia
  • A Burger King whopper contains 1,020 milligrams of this chemical element--& it's worth every milligram
  • Baking soda:____HCO3
  • ...if you suffer from hypernatremia (put down the potato chips)
  • Natrium
  • This element, Na, combines with chlorine to form ordinary table salt
  • Natrium
  • In 2010 Bret Michaels suffered from hyponatremia, low levels of this element in the blood