military school


A military acaemy (American English), or service academy (British English) is an educational institution which prepares candidates for service in the military (officer corps of the Army), naval service or air force or provides education in a service environment, the exact definition depending on the country.

Trivia about military school

  • Education:This type of career school at Brienne & at Paris
  • You can join junior ROTC at Kemper, the oldest school of this type west of the Mississippi

Tweets about military school

  • I hear a drumline. Do parades happen in France? Or is that the military school... definitely the military school. Right?
  • RT @BentleighAlbert: Realizing that Cadet Kelly is actually a true story about @kaiitlynnoelle at military school.
  • Realizing that Cadet Kelly is actually a true story about @kaiitlynnoelle at military school.
  • Cadet Kelly made wanna go to military school
  • @FilthyRichTee @T2G_CincoKilby not going to no damn army but I'm going to military school til march
  • I threw a banana at my sister when I was 11 and my mom wanted to send me to military school . Like bruh . 😩
  • @Sykopatological Military school.. Pareparehas gupit natin. Hahaha
  • @69sobersally hahaha yeah I think I remember that guy, his friend in military school?
  • My Mother Is Threatening To Send Me To Military School Bc I Have "Attitude Problems"
  • “@RaeeBans_: @laniiii__ thats your juvie that goto military school 😂”💀💀 goodnight bruh
  • @laniiii__ thats your juvie that goto military school 😂
  • How Going to Military School = Writing a Book – Pub(lishing) #bookwriting
  • @PSawyerSchue season two of Gilmore Girls Tristan gets sent to military school in North Carolina. And then OTH is born. Coincidence much?
  • MB asked me to work late. She is off today and is supposed to take 16yo back to military school. He is here and she isn't. #madnanny
  • Joy Hensley, author of RITES OF PASSAGE [Harper Teen] guest post on PUB CRAWL
  • RT @deefalvo: Jules escapes to military school and finds hidden portal to the past. Can she battle a king w/o wiping her family from existe…
  • .a look to #Kuleli military school from the seashore. #Bosphorus #Istanbul #Turkey Photo by M. Salih Özbudak
  • #Kuleli military school nıght #Bosphorus #Istanbul #Turkey Photo by Cahit Arpacık Kuleli asker lisesi
  • #Kuleli military school #Bosphorus #Istanbul #Turkey Photo by Olympist Mehmet Güçlü Kuleli asker lisesi
  • now she wants to send me to a military school cause she said i need to show respect
  • When I was in military school I read a comic viewing the jokers side of things . Fye
  • Pops went to military school I've been talked loud to all my life...but I know the difference when he yells lol
  • Happy book birthday to RITES OF PASSAGE by @joynhensley! A powerful, compelling book about a girl in military school!
  • Jules escapes to military school and finds hidden portal to the past. Can she battle a king w/o wiping her family from existence #YA #pitmad
  • RT @Kwarrior44: Had to take @CherishMallory to military school right quick.
  • Suvorov Military School for Soviet Boys; Leningrad Naval Academy 220723-04: via @YouTube
  • Had to take @CherishMallory to military school right quick.
  • RT @PubCrawlBlog: How Going to Military School = Writing a Book, a guest post by @joynhensley! #amwriting
  • Happy book birthday, RITES OF PASSAGE and @joynhensley!
  • .@PubCrawlBlog guest post by @joynhensley: How Going to Military School = Writing a Book
  • Orphans should be sent to military school! Now isn't that a problem solver
  • That thing when you're resting your frazzled nerves at the beach and they start dushka practice at the military school next door.
  • @PokeExcavation I need to start doing that! I have almost no time to devote to my channel with military school ;-;
  • How Going to Military School = Writing a Book, a guest post by @joynhensley! #amwriting
  • How Going to Military School = Writing a Book
  • RT @BrigidKemmerer: Happy book birthday to @joynhensley with her amazing YA novel RITES OF PASSAGE!! A girl takes on an all-male military s…
  • Happy book birthday to @joynhensley with her amazing YA novel RITES OF PASSAGE!! A girl takes on an all-male military school?? Um, YES!
  • @stylinshare Starts at 6am and I'm out at 6 pm and is bc is a military school
  • When I ride the bus to school I feel like I'm in one of those movies where a kids parents make them go to military school
  • I guess my mom registered me in a military school :)
  • How Going to Military School = Writing a Book
  • 19 September 2014 - Freedom Parade and 20th Anniversary celebrations. The Royal Military School of Music and the...
  • Shit I thought they would beat u in military school lol
  • Ok I was mostly scared of military school lol
  • I knew if I got kicked out of there I would make my grandmother ashamed of me and my dad wouldve put me in military school...
  • Great new book: is RASHTRIYA MILITARY scHool.(l=llllls) AJMER»; #getreads #book:
  • woke up feeling like i should have joined military school
  • The only mode of discipline available to parents of the 80s was military school.