

Menopause is the complete shutting own of the female reproductive system. The word menopause literally means the permanent physiological, or natural, cessation of menstrual cycles, from the Greek roots 'meno' (month) and 'pausis' (a pause, a cessation). In other words, this is the natural and permanent stopping of the monthly female reproductive cycles, and in human females this is usually indicated by a permanent absence of monthly periods or menstruation.

Trivia about menopause

  • The time of a woman's life called menacme is ended by this

Tweets about menopause

  • At around What age does a guy hit male menopause?
  • @mimidellagioia Oui mais tout est chaotique ! Mon corps ressemble à un Cyclone en + pré-ménopause ! J'ai tout ! Les douleurs dos etc..
  • My roommate is going through menopause.... It's annoying
  • @amanoya322 @JNorma いまドモホルンリンクルを1滴1滴抽出しているところですのでしばらくお待ちくださいっ!
  • RT @emiliamorra: #explainafilmplotbadly A Chinese lady gives cookies to a mother& daughter and a teenage girl suddenly experiences menopause
  • Freaky Friday! RT #explainafilmplotbadly A Chinese lady gives cookies to a mother& daughter & a teenage girl suddenly experiences menopause
  • RT @gabesu_: @Gelweeezy 😴😴 she going through menopause, just playin 😂
  • @Gelweeezy 😴😴 she going through menopause, just playin 😂
  • My air conditioning is on pretty low and I'm burning up. Going through early menopause.
  • @dahomieneomi they're jealous that they went through menopause and can't get theirs anymore
  • @amanoya322 @JNorma 残念ながら、ドモホルンリンクルは初めての方にお売りすることができません。
  • "Progesterone Inhibits Human #menopause Myometrial Contractions by
  • Wanita yang rajin makan tauge, akan terhindar dari kanker payudara, gangguan pramenstruasi, gangguan pramenopause juga menopause.
  • Hot flushes and hormones ain't a bundle of middle-aged microbiz laughs
  • “@StuartMc1: Why aren’t the menopause called the femaleopause?” 😂
  • @StuartMc1 - because its not only females that go through the menopause. Are you showing symptoms? .....
  • Bae z close 2 menopause@Busolaidris:I cant,my biological clock is ticking .Sinzu:Till u turn 50@iamHighDee:You will always find someone else
  • The Truth About Menopause
  • Why aren't the menopause called the femaleopause?
  • Stop Letting Menopause Control your #Sex Life |HerSolutionGel
  • RT @Joan_Rivers: A study says owning a dog makes you 10 years younger. My first thought was to rescue 2 more, but I don’t want to go throug…
  • Hot flashes, missed periods, acne too. Adult acne during menopause is more common than you think
  • The only mammals to undergo menopause are elephants, humpback whales, & human females.
  • Info sehat >> RT @korantempo: Pisang Turunkan Resiko Stroke Wanita Menopause
  • Todo lo que Usted sabe sobre la #menopausia es erróneo: cambiando algunos conceptos.
  • @Terrificnic @__pants I always hoped for early menopause, but don't want Judy Finnigan face! :/
  • Outside of the hot flashes is there anything else bad about menopause?
  • RT @No_not_that_one: I am really pleased with the new food processor I've bought so apparently I've entered menopause about 10 years early.
  • Menopause to illustrate you affects women: ILVXE
  • #Menopause : la baisse des hormones feminines, un déséquilibre que ressent votre #peau
  • 4 middle aged, NYC women, wearing expensive high heels, fight off peri-menopause, by drinking Big Cosmos. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly
  • RT @TipsSuper: biji bunga matahari atau kuaci juga baik dikonsumsi untuk menyetabilkan kadar estrogen saat menopause.
  • RT @SuaraSBY: #SSinfo : Pisang bisa menurunkan resiko Stroke pada Wanita Pasca Menopause. Hasi...: #SSinfo : Pisan...
  • Pheromones-are They Legitimate Or A Big Hoax
  • Ballina babe raid. Doing you proud Bris HOG. 4 of The 7 dwarves of menopause
  • #SSinfo : Pisang bisa menurunkan resiko Stroke pada Wanita Pasca Menopause. Hasi...: #SSinfo : Pisan... | #SbyNet
  • Figuring stifle menopause symptoms: YbDKltfa
  • RT @RoadTrekIn: Siblings Endure Menopause in Entertaining Tale of Female Empowerment #filmreview RT @St_Aug_News
  • Siblings Endure Menopause in Entertaining Tale of Female Empowerment #filmreview RT @St_Aug_News