

Mahjong (also calle mah-jongg by the American association, Traditional Chinese: 麻將; Pinyin: májiàng) is a game for four players that originated in China. Mahjong involves skill, strategy, and calculation, as well as a certain degree of chance. Depending on the variation which is played, luck can be anything from a minor to a dominant factor in success. In Asia, mahjong is also popularly played as a gambling game. In the game, you are given either thirteen or sixteen tiles for a hand (depending on the variation being played). When your turn comes, you draw a tile and discard one. Your goal is to make four melds and a pair, or "head". (Note that a winning hand contains fourteen tiles. You win by drawing a tile that completes your hand, or off of someone else's discard.)

Trivia about mahjong

  • The dots used in this Chinese game are seen here:

Tweets about mahjong

  • @joablys i was thinking the put it on the mahjong table and play mahjong on it
  • why why guia too busy with mahjong
  • Kindle Game: Mahjong Solitaire
  • @CyanRhapsody but yeah, i've always wondered why its called mahjong paper as well
  • RT @TheVulgarVag: you want to talk about metaphors well the homeless are sleeping in the doorways of banks in this city
  • I NEED A JOB. Mahjong anyone? Hahahahaha. 😂
  • @CyanRhapsody who knows =\ a mahjong game can go on for damn long afterall
  • Mahjong mahjong
  • タンヤオ最強伝説(笑)
  • RT @ICAnPls: donut disturb achi guia in her mahjong session she is clearly concentrating vury hard
  • RT @Toshl: Our friends at @TooniaApps have a fun new app out on Android. Check it out, especially Mahjong lovers. ;)
  • why is there mahjong in mahjong paper?do they actually use it in mahjong?
  • @Mahjong_bobG がんばろうねえ(*´ω`*)
  • sebab lepas 54 hari lagi di sekolah takkan buat presentation pakai kertas mahjong lagi wei. hargai masa ini. kahkahk
  • ミニ四駆の「ダッシュ3号・シューティングスター」をデザインしたのは、当時中学三年生だったシャーマンキングの作者。#トリビア
  • 問38「三色を意識しすぎると、見逃します。」
  • Help Forum • Mahjong Dark Dimensions Free Download
  • 世界では25億通ものエロメールが毎日送られている#トリビア
  • 桜井章一語録  「不調こそ、我が実力」と思え。 #mahjong
  • News= Chongqing citizens stay cool as mahjong games heat up
  • 代走って難しい!
  • 「北四順」[ぺーすーしゅん、ぺーよんじゅん]【役満】1巡目から北を4連続で切る。役満になる。韓国の俳優ペ・ヨンジュン氏にちなんだものと思われる。
  • 問81「ちょっと短い九蓮宝燈と思えば、待ちが多いのでは?と構えることもできるかもしれません。」
  • 【麻雀セオリー】端の1待ちは両面待ちとほぼ等しい。【理由】4が捨て牌に出れば1が釣れるのは時間の問題 
  • 麻雀サークルメンバー募集中! 基本活動日は月曜土曜日です。 麻雀できなくても興味があれば大丈夫です♪ まずは気軽にDMかリプライください!
  • Mahjong titans ☺
  • 마작 고수들의 한 마디 : 역시 역만이 최고입니다. (미○님)
  • 【三槓子】(サンカンツ) 2翻役。副露可。槓子を3つ作って和了した時に成立する。槓子の種類は問わない。役満以外の通常役の中では最も出現の確率が低い。そもそも手作りにおいて三槓子を想定しないことも多く、成立には強く偶然に依る所がある。
  • 순이 빠른 리치는 상대방들에게 압박을 줄 순 있지만, 돌리면 더 높은 역이 될 수 있나 따져보는 것도 하나의 방법입니다.
  • Mahjong bracelet by joytoyou41 on Etsy, $30.00
  • Mahjong bracelet by joytoyou41 via @Etsy
  • 門前でツモって裏が乗れば倍満まで見えるその手を6巡目で見切って両面チーしてるようじゃいつまでたっても強くなれないよお兄ちゃん。
  • ウェルカムの新しいメルマガの登録はお済ですか?