

The liver is the largest internal organ in the human boy, and is an organ present in vertebrates and some other animals. The liver is necessary for survival, a human can only last up to 24 hours without liver function. It plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in the body, including glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, and detoxification. The liver is also the largest gland in the human body. It lies below the diaphragm in the thoracic region of the abdomen. It produces bile, an alkaline compound which aids in digestion, via the emulsification of lipids. It also performs and regulates a wide variety of high-volume biochemical reactions requiring very specialized tissues.

Trivia about liver

  • This organ's oil is a good source of vitamins A & D
  • Hepatitis & cirrhosis are diseases of this organ
  • This vital organ is the largest gland in the human body
  • A German specialty, braunschweiger is a smoked sausage traditionally made from this organ meat
  • The hepatic portal vein connects the intestine to this organ
  • One of the most common ways to serve this organ meat is sauteed, with sauteed onions
  • A Mr. Whipple shared the 1934 Nobel Prize for showing daily eating of this raw organ meat helps cure anemia
  • (I'm Dr. Thomas Starzl.) In 1967, on a patient suffering from hepatoma, I performed the first successful human transplant of this organ
  • It's not the night for that single malt scotch tasting; your hepatoma in this organ has flared up, bringing fever
  • In 1926 Drs. Murphy & Minot fed patients a half pound of this organ meat a day to treat pernicious anemia
  • Hepatic cells are found in the tissue of this organ; "bile secretion is our business"
  • Largely responsible for detoxification, it's the largest internal organ
  • Milk thistle reportedly lowers fat deposits in this organ as well as acting against cirrhosis in it
  • Hepatic jaundice occurs when this organ can't process bilirubin properly
  • As its name indicates, the hepatic flexure is a bend in the colon just below this organ
  • Cirrhosis
  • Bile, which breaks up large molecules of fatty foods, is made by this organ & stored in the gallbladder
  • Sharks have no swim bladder so this oil-filled organ helps keep them from sinking
  • French chefs use this part of the goose to make pate de foie gras
  • This organ removes excess glucose from the blood & stores it as glycogen
  • It's the part of a chicken in rumaki
  • A young girl received the first dual transplant of the heart & this organ Feb. 14, 1984
  • Compton's Encycl. describes this largest internal organ as "a uniform blob of reddish-brown tissue"
  • Body detox center
  • Yikes! This organ converts alcohol to acetaldehyde, which is 10 to 30 times more toxic than alcohol itself
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew holds a plastinated body organ.) Weighing in at almost 4 pounds, this largest gland metabolizes fat, protein & carbs & is the body's treatment plant
  • This reddish-brown organ, the largest inside the body, is believed to perform at least 500 functions
  • Body cholesterol is both made and destroyed in this large organ
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew in Portland, Maine) Real lobster lovers will look right in here to find the tamale, this green organ
  • Some ancient cultures made predictions by hepatoscopy, examining this organ of a sacrificed lamb
  • Dr. Thomas Starzl transplanted this organ in 1963 & went on to write "Experience in Hepatic Transplantation"
  • The gallbladder, in which extra bile is stored, lies just below this organ
  • Leberknodel are dumplings made from this organ meat
  • The common bile duct is formed by the cystic duct from the gallbladder & the hepatic duct from this organ
  • The name of this organ that stores fat may come from a word that means "fat"
  • In '99, fast running out of original parts, Mr. K. had a transplant of this, due to hepatitis C complications
  • Often sauteed with onions (probably to mask the taste), this brownish large organ has great nutritional value
  • Le foie
  • Kupffer cells in this organ destroy worn out blood cells & filter bacteria
  • 19th century physiologist Claude Bernard found how this organ converts sugar to glycogen & stores it
  • An internal organ containing 4
  • Fed by the hepatic portal veins, it weighs about a pound more in men than in women
  • Hepatitis, which can be severe or cause no symptoms at all, is an inflammation of this organ
  • In 2000 Rezulin followed Trovan & Druact as drugs withdrawn from sale for damaging this organ
  • Much of this organ's blood comes from the hepatic artery
  • An LFT tests the function of this organ
  • A bowling ball to this 3-pound reddish brown filtering organ that consists of 4 lobes
  • Galen believed that blood was produced in this largest internal organ & that it ebbed & flowed like the tide

Tweets about liver

  • @rachgags what am I chopped liver?
  • RT @Nozakikun_bot_: 月刊少女野崎くん 第5話五号「文字を入れる」 #月刊少女野崎くんbot @Nozakikun_bot_
  • RT @Bakaramon_bot: ばらかもん イラストとか      #ばらかもん #ばらかもん好きな人はRT @Bakaramon_bot
  • yesterday my teacher said, "there were your senior died because liver. people don't know how long they life."
  • RT @Teacher_Badr: عظم - بون - bone🍖 شفة- لِب - lip👄 فكَّ - جو - jaw قلب- هارت - heart❤️ رئة - لنغ - lung كبد - لِيفر - liver كُلْية -…
  • RT @Love_Liver_LL: ラブライブ!六話 #ラブライバーは絶対RT #RTした人全員フォローする   @Love_Liver_LL
  • @hanayo_liver フォロありです!
  • “@livyhayden: @7aidualc9 that's the way we like 2 👉👌” liver watch ur mouth
  • 【ボード】 #2: 2013-2014 NOVEMBER SNOWBOARD/ノベンバー LIVER/ライバー【156CM】オールラウンド  #ボード  #amazon #アマゾン
  • RT @eltonrae: My poor liver lol
  • "Save your liver. Love your liver." 😟😟😟😟😟😟
  • RT @Yamanosusume_b: ヤマノススメ 新六合目『好きな事をするために』 #ヤマノススメ @Yamanosusume_b
  • RT @Yasiro_app: 繋ぐ新感覚アクションシステム! 大作RPGのような泣ける本格ストーリー! ガチでパズドラより面白いw iPhoneもAndroidもこちら →    ボッコボコにする感覚がハマるww
  • RT @mahou_retto_fan: 魔法科高校の劣等生 第四話    #見た人全員RT #面白かった人ファボ RTもファボもフォローします☆ @mahou_retto_fan
  • RT @camilacabello97: @surfregui WHAT AM I CHOPPED LIVER (my sister says this to me all the time consequently it means ME ME IM YOUR FRIEND)
  • RT @usagi_bot_0233: ご注文はうさぎですか? 第4羽   ラッキーアイテムは野菜と罪と罰 #愛してるRT #大好きRT #同氏は全員フォローする
  • Sam Pinto: Rest in peace my Pharrelly love.. Thank you for being the best dog in the world.. I love you forever.…
  • 海未ちゃん推しです!ラブライバーと繋がりたい! #RTしてくれた人全員フォローする #ラブライバーと繋がりたい #相互希望 #拡散希望
  • RT @noge_nora_: ノーゲーム・ノーライフ 十二話 収束法(ルール・ナンバー10)     #ノゲノラ好きな人はRT ノゲノラ面白すぎwww @noge_nora_
  • オークションに余ったチケット出品してます!よかったらお願いします!! #lovelive
  • RT @mekakusi_bot_: メカクシティアクターズ     メカクシコード #見てる人全員RT #大好きな人ファボ #RTもファボもみんなフォローする
  • RT @JoJo_bot_A: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険  Part3 スターダストクルセイダース 裁くのは誰だ!? #ジョジョ好きは全員RT #幽波紋使いはファボ #RTもファボも全員フォローする
  • Smoke this, drink this, straight to my liver. - Q. 👌
  • RT @Ani_mato_000: これが無くなったら亡くなる人RT #RTした人全員フォローする #相互希望 アニまと
  • @Cede_Rhae am I just chopped liver now or what?!
  • RT @2zigen_kemomimi: #けもみみ好きならRT       #2次元けもみみ好きならRT #けもみみこそ至高ならRT   #2zigen_kemomimi
  • @cindyygrimaldo lol smelso ended up coming over. I shall accompany you on the endeavor the next time my precious liver angel.
  • RT @2zigen_seihuku: #制服好きならRT      #2次元制服好きならRT #制服こそ究極ならRT   #2zigen_seihuku
  • @hadalittlelaamb what am I chopped liver
  • RT @Baddest_Bitches: That was also the summer my liver was basically learning to survive on vodka only lololol so ya I had no brain cells a…
  • RT @Date_A_LIve_b0t: #デート・ア・ライブ     #RTした人全員フォローする @Date_A_LIve_b0t
  • My liver is ready.
  • RT @KNeum28: I think everyone close to @Andrew_Dunn3 is worried about his liver tonight
  • * America's #1 Herbal Cleanse CKLS Colon, Kidney, Liver, Spleen Cleanse $35.00 includes Shipping
  • RT @Kantai_kore9: イムヤちゃん! #艦これファンはRT @Kantai_kore9
  • @manecci How much do you have to drink to see that? On a scale of 1 to liver failure?
  • RT @Fan_bot_toho: 慧音 「皆の為に、先生頑張っちゃった☆」 #東方好きな人RT @Fan_bot_toho
  • I love Frosh week and all but it needs to end before my liver gives out
  • RT @Sao_Sao_0: ソードアート・オンラインⅡ #4 GGO #SAO @Sao_Sao_0
  • RT @itsbarnaby: Doctor told me I have a "fatty liver"... So I called the medical board and reported him for bullying.
  • RT @miya_mamob: よく見ろ、 同一人物なんだぞこれ。 #宮野真守
  • I've gotta get my liver back in college shape.
  • @ColleenQueef ily2 u CFA liver "sweat" tea drinker BFF
  • My grandma eats liver. 😷😩
  • RT @Ekao6: ニセコイ十八話・エンゲキ #ニセコイ好きな人RT  #RTした人全員フォローする @Ekao6
  • RT @utapuri_24: 「それでは次の映像をご覧ください。」 \氷の伯爵カミュだ!/ 『ブフォッw』 「黒崎、寿アウトー」 『何がおかしい』
  • RT @Syounenn__bot: 少年ハリウッド 第6話 雨の日の居場所 #shohari @Syounenn__bot
  • 君よ咲いて熱い希望の果て 旅立つこの定めよ 輝きは風の彼方 いつか答えが満ちてくる 優しさを忘れぬように咲きましょうか そして私たちは巡り合う 赤く赤く大きな花 そして私たちは巡り合う 再び会えた時は 変わるはずでしょう? 【私たちは未来の花】
  • RT @Hanayata_bot: ハナヤマタ 第3話 ガールズ・スタイル #ハナヤマタ @Hanayata_bot