jury duty


Jury uty is service as a juror in a legal proceeding.

Trivia about jury duty

  • The stamp promoting this civic duty says "Serve With Pride" & shows 12 colorful people in silhouette

Tweets about jury duty

  • RT @jessetyler: Happy to be doing my #CivicDuty today! I'm at Jury Duty...wondering if the fact that I play a lawyer on TV will work for me…
  • Pops and I both got selected for jury duty. How does that even happen?
  • Lol my dad is stuck in jury duty.
  • RT @LoneStarChiro: Jury duty is done! Woo hoo! Life can go back to normal now, what an interesting week though
  • @raymondjlowder I need to teach you how to get out of jury duty for life lol
  • @catchupwdomo_ how was jury duty Lls
  • Great, I have jury duty in west palm beach πŸ˜‚
  • Jury duty. What a great way to start off my day πŸ”ͺπŸ”« #jury duty #hopeidontgetchosen
  • ok. I'm ready to be done with jury duty....πŸ˜©πŸ™…
  • I had a dream I was late to jury duty & got a ticket. Then I was set up and I was the person introuble
  • #NYC First day of jury duty in Kew Gardens! :(
  • I swear they pull my name for jury duty all the time! I’m praying they release me the night before cuz maaaaaan!
  • Putting off getting up as long as possible today. Really wish I could take the day off. But tomorrow I have jury duty so I can't do 2 days
  • Tuesday starts my month of Jury duty!!
  • At jury duty 😩😩😩😩
  • Ive already spent $80 being at jury duty #GasMoney #Parking #Lunch :( im tired
  • Hoping the court will allow me to take jury duty payment as @quiktrip gift card
  • My second jury duty in NYC. Do I get to be a New Yorker now? Beer study time!!! #civilresponsibility #zzz
  • This Jury Duty about to be boring though
  • Brian Dickerson: What if voting were like jury duty? - EDITOR’S NOTE:... #BrianDickerson #FreePress #HillingtonFarms
  • RT @brandchino: I want to do jury duty one day
  • I don't think Fox News anchors are racist. They're just trying to get out of jury duty.
  • Always good when provost is in jury duty with you!
  • @Jimmy_Sanderson @mpauline Oh gaaaaaawd! Jury duty. Yuck! You can get out of it because you teach. I'm at the office. :-(
  • Jury duty is done! Woo hoo! Life can go back to normal now, what an interesting week though
  • Brian Dickerson: What if voting were like jury duty? - EDITOR’S NOTE: Frustrated by plummeting voter...
  • RT @b9ywongbr: RT @cirhoochmi Called for Jury Duty, Jailed Shooting Suspect Frets About New #lovecoffee
  • I want to do jury duty one day
  • At least the court house has a window looking at the lake. Fuck jury duty
  • Jury Duty 😩😩
  • @mpauline @mindyrweathers jury duty!
  • @DatBishWonnie jury duty?
  • @catchatweetdown going to bring you my jury duty pamphlet, think you'll have a good time critiquing
  • @andybates88 Hey man! Sorry about that. I was stuck in jury duty for the last 1.5 weeks. Hope everything went well. What was the position?
  • Security snooty, time for jury duty. XD
  • Jury dutyπŸ˜’πŸ”«
  • Last day of jury duty
  • jury duty this morning πŸ˜’πŸ˜©
  • Jury duty πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜©πŸ˜«
  • I walk in to jury duty and the lady at the front desk playing Candy Crush! #dekalbcoutyfolks smh
  • Today will [hopefully] be my last day of jury duty. US History test tomorrow (Fri 8/29) also 3rd pd - I expect better from you.
  • Fulfilling a life long dream today: summoned to the courthouse for jury duty :) #justiceleague #pickme
  • Jury duty in the morning
  • AM Roundup: Holder Vows Thorough F #ericgarner #lawblog #planning #standardchartered
  • Just remember: when you go to court, you are trusting your fate to twelve people that weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty!
  • I'm so late to jury duty fml
  • Jury Duty tomar πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ They won't see me down there
  • Jury duty sucks and some of these people stankkkkkkkkk !!!!!!
  • Gonna try to get out of jury duty this morning
  • At jury duty.