ic diet


Tweets about ic diet

  • @apluseffort @MellowMWMama @FurrowedFox I am doing yoga 2x wk. Eating corn, soy, sugar, dairy free. CONSISTENTLY. IC diet limits fresh food
  • @LinnySmit I'm feeling much better. I couldn't get up out of bed I was in so much pain. But this is what happens when I cheat on the IC diet
  • @awphotographs I'd die. (Going on the @hypermuse_ic diet asap)
  • “@SoRelatableBlog: my reaction to the IC diet #ICdiet #sucks
  • RT @icnjill: Junk food junkies have a difficult job adjusting to the IC diet. #icdiet #icawareness #interstitialcystitis than...
  • Junk food junkies have a difficult job adjusting to the IC diet. #icdiet #icawareness #interstitialcystitis than...
  • @ChancesOur also I don't drink coffee anymore. Thanks IC diet! We can have peppermint tea. ;)