

A hernia is a protrusion of a tissue, structure, or part of an organ through the muscular tissue or the membrane by which it is normally containe. The hernia has three parts: the orifice through which it herniates, the hernial sac, and its contents.

Trivia about hernia

  • From the Latin for "rupture", this condition can arise after heavy lifting, so leave the couch where it is, Hercules
  • When the intestine bulges into the groin muscles, it's the inguinal type of this
  • The men's malady a doctor is usually checking for after he asks the patient to "turn your head and cough"
  • Paré created trusses for patients troubled by this, doing away with an older treatment, castration

Tweets about hernia

  • RT @MailOnline: Hernia discovered in a 300-year-old Korean mummy
  • @JavierParradol Ahora es cuando puedo andar (recomendado por el médico para la operación de hernia)
  • 元気ケルトが活躍する季節到来!!!!!! *Twitter 2011/10/27
  • 20yrs education for that archaeology Doctorate was all worth it RT @MailOnline Hernia found in 300yr old Korean mummy
  • @_morianna 目をすぐこすってしまうので、小中高の時は健康診断があると、自分もたいていアレルギー性結膜炎と診断されてました( ̄∇ ̄;) 最近は診てもらってないだけで、今でもアレルギー性結膜炎かもな……( ̄。 ̄;) もちろん放送見ます(^_^)ゞ
  • RT @BrusElVikingo: La hernia de Bale El mundial de Neymar La capitanía de Casillas El balón de oro de Messi El monstruo del lago Ness La mu…
  • “@MailOnline: Hernia discovered in a 300-year-old Korean mummy nice.
  • So iv got a hernia, two bad knees, one bad ankle, and now my hamstring is in tatters, can't wait for training tomorrow night @maccam14
  • Hernia discovered in a 300-year-old Korean mummy
  • @BABO_PChorongAP @BL_PChor @IAM_AOAMina @BABO_BomiAP @BABO_NaeunAP hernia itu what
  • Media will give me the hernia.
  • La hernia de Bale El mundial de Neymar La capitanía de Casillas El balón de oro de Messi El monstruo del lago Ness La muerta de la curva
  • ما هو الفتاق وكيف يمكن تشخيصة لعدم تفاقة المشكلة
  • Steve Ott is glad to be back with the #stlblues and after sports hernia surgery says he'll be a different player:
  • CT scan reveals hernia in Korean mummy. Probably a little late.
  • Korean scientists conducted an autopsy of mummified remains from a 17th-century royal tomb
  • Tres kilos más que Bale. Ya puede ser buena su hernia, ya
  • Korean Mummy's Hernia Diagnosed 300 Years Later
  • 彼女は宗教上の理由で一日五回、故意に脱腸します。 英文:She intentionally has a hernia five times a day because of her religion.
  • El amor se parece tanto a una operación de hernia discal en la zona lumbar. Se cura, pero vuelve a doler cuando hace frío.
  • Good news, the doctor said I don't have a hernia!
  • RT @Jordan_Penrod: @kayleighbell024 if you would have lied it would have given you a hernia
  • @kayleighbell024 if you would have lied it would have given you a hernia
  • Me salió una hernia de tanto cargar con tus pendejadas.
  • I hope Robben dives and permanently gifts himself a hernia.
  • RT @MFIT33: MFIT on the benefits of Aloe Vera for - IBS, Chrones Disease, Diverticulitus, Ulclerative Colitus £ Hiatus Hernia.►
  • @LaChicaMuak te mande dm , por si no lo ves jajajaj, ay me duele la panza..una hernia me va a salir con esto
  • MFIT on the benefits of Aloe Vera for - IBS, Chrones Disease, Diverticulitus, Ulclerative Colitus £ Hiatus Hernia.►
  • RT @japonso: Cuando fiche Kroos por el Madrid (si es que ficha) dirán que tiene una hernia o que no sabe jugar al fútbol???
  • Anyone had an umbilical hernia op?
  • 突いて突いて突きまくれー!ラッキーマンのごとくつきまくれ。 *BoF5 part4
  • Cuando fiche Kroos por el Madrid (si es que ficha) dirán que tiene una hernia o que no sabe jugar al fútbol???
  • "@CoolCorner1: -Doctor creo que tengo una hernia de disco. -No no, Sr Beiber lo que tiene usted es una mierda de disco..." @giapichardo
  • remember when people used to say "im going to have a hernia"
  • hernia for jim
  • @ChaveSean 😂😂 yeah after he heard of the Hernia test 😂 I'll make him though
  • Hernia checks will always be awkward
  • Efecto Corset: ¿Dermolipectomia con Malla de Hernia?
  • Al rato me va a salir una pinche hernia como la de Faris por andar cargando tanta pinche caja😒
  • ¿Y cómo se detecta? Como sucede con otras lesiones, el síntoma principal de la hernia es el dolor. En la hernia...
  • Two weeks after Hernia Surgery:) slow and steady with … | Socialcam
  • Two weeks after Hernia Surgery:) slow and steady with no pain... https://t.co/486Zd8TW9c
  • Y esta hernia quien te la opera? >>> @Cheas10Messi
  • RT @DrDavid_Hughes: No hernia? I'd like to see your ID please: Consensus statement on the athlete's groin. @BJSM_BMJ @ACSP_SportsDocs http…
  • RT @Radiopaedia: Chest pain with reflux symptoms. What abnormality is seen? ANSWER:
  • Novo membro. (-que isso não me renda uma hérnia-)
  • ¿Qué es la hernia inguinal y cómo se trata en los niños?