family feud


Family Feu is a television game show that pits two families against each other in a contest to name the most popular responses to a survey-type question posed to 100 people. The format, which originated in the United States, airs in numerous local formats worldwide, including in the United Kingdom (Family Fortunes), Malaysia (Famili Ceria) and Australia (Bert's Family Feud). In addition, a Spanish-language US version airs, known as ¿Qué Dice la Gente?.

Trivia about family feud

  • "See ya here on the Feud"
  • [theme music]
  • Richard Dawson hosted this show that featured surveys of 100 people
  • Its hosts were Richard Dawson & Ray Combs; now it's -- survey says -- Louie Anderson
  • On this game show, answers were checked against what the "Survey Says!"
  • When this game show premiered on July 12, 1976, the Moseleys were pitted agains the Abramowitzes
  • Game show on which you heard Richard Dawson say, "Our survey said..."
  • Richard Karn hosts this game show where 2 clans match wits; survey says...
  • On "Saturday Night Live", Beldar, Prymaat & Connie Conehead appeared as contestants on this game show
  • Show on which 2 clans compete to guess the top responses to survey questions
  • "Survey said!"
  • The south of the border version of this American game show is called "100 Mexicanos Dijeron"--"100 Mexicans Said"