

An eyelash or simply lash is one of the hairs that grow at the ege of the eyelid. Eyelashes protect the eye from debris and perform some of the same function as whiskers do on a cat or a mouse in the sense that they are sensitive to being touched, thus providing a warning that an object (such as an insect or dust mite) is near the eye (which is then closed reflexively).

Trivia about eyelashes

  • Wanting parts of actress Seena Owen to look bigger on screen, D.W. Griffith in 1916 came up with false these
  • In the '60s model Twiggy wore 3 rows of false ones
  • Lihilihi maka kuyi are false ones of these for women (no, think higher up)
  • To use a curler on these after you've applied the mascara is a bad thing to do
  • The newest way to make these look longer is with a heated, battery-operated curler (mascara helps, too)