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Teacher Retirement System of Texas: TRS
Providing retirement and related benefits for employees of public schools, colleges, and universities. Includes information about investments, retirement account access, training, upcoming legislation, and agency administration and employment.

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1 trs 7 17
2 texas teacher retirement system 4 6
3 www.trs.state.tx.us 4 5
4 trs of texas 3 4
5 texas teachers retirement 3 4
6 teachers retirement 2 3
7 teacher retirement system of texas 2 2
8 trs.state.tx.us 2 12
9 texas teacher retirement 2 2
10 trs activecare 2 2
11 annuity companies 1 1
12 www.trs.state.tx.us trs-activecare 1 1
13 texas trs 1 1
14 trs care 1 1
15 teacher retirement 1 2
16 teachers retirement system 1 2
17 texas teachers 1 3
18 teachers retirement fund 1 1
19 www.texas retirement system 1 1
20 retirement calculators 1 26
21 caremark health insurance 1 1
22 www.trs.state 1 1
23 www.oppenheimerfunds.com 1 29
24 texas retirement system 1 3
25 texas teacher retirement association 1 1