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(NCELA) National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs
The Clearinghouse is funded by OELA to collect, analyze, and disseminate information relating to the effective education of linguistically and culturally diverse learners in the nation. Publications, newsletters and resources are featured.

Keyword Results for
this URL
1 oela 1 1
2 bilingual dropout rate 1 1
3 gifted and talented- definition of enrichment 1 1
4 myths and misconceptions about second language 1 2
5 student oral language observation matrix 1 1
6 refugees living in the united states 1 1
7 doc.state.fl.us 1 1
8 nclb in new jersey 1 1
9 learn ing basic math 1 1
10 why do young children learn foreign language easier than college students 1 3
11 the requirements to become a teacher 1 1
12 informal assessments 1 2
13 ncela.gwu 1 1
14 preventive programs for college dropouts 1 1
15 lep legislation 1 1
16 texas nclb 1 1
17 www.ncela.gwu.edu policy states index.htm 1 1
18 collier and thomas report 1 1
19 i am greater than 30 and less than 40. the sum of my digits is less than 5. what whole number am i 1 1
20 language acquisition 1 2
21 korean culture 1 8
22 elementary school staff development for dade county 1 1
23 bilingualism in children 1 3
24 foreign language statistics 1 1
25 dual language programs 1 1
26 national center for education statistics 1 6
27 teaching in colorado 1 1
28 understanding classroom culture 1 1
29 programs for parents of lep students 1 1
30 spanish-language newspapers in milwaukee 1 1
31 bilingualism enhances economic advantages 1 1
32 what should a literacy program look like for elementary classrooms 1 1
33 esl high school tests 1 1
34 oldest elementary or public school of florida state 1 1