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Johnston County Schools
(Smithfield) District history and profile, statistics, construction plans, employment opportunities, parent resource link, and contact information.

Keyword Results for
this URL
1 johnston county board of education 5 6
2 south johnston high school 4 4
3 johnston county schools 4 6
4 west johnston high school 3 3
5 johnston county public schools 2 2
6 polenta elementary 2 2
7 selma smithfield high school 1 1
8 four oaks elementary school 1 1
9 johnston county schools nc 1 1
10 benson elementary school 1 1
11 johnston county schools for north carolina 1 1
12 four oaks middle school 1 1
13 www.johnston county schools 1 1
14 selma high school nc 1 1
15 corinth holder 1 1
16 johnston county schools. nc 1 1
17 clayton elementary school nc 1 1
18 four oaks elementary school nc 1 1
19 corinth holders school nc 1 1
20 johnston county nc 1 19
21 north carolina public school 1 1
22 smithfield selma senior high school 1 1
23 east clayton elementary school 1 1
24 corinth-holder 1 1
25 selma middle school nc 1 1
26 www.bensonmiddle.com 1 1
27 johnston public schools nc 1 1
28 www.johnston county schools.org 1 1