Digital History

Alexa traffic report for DIGITALHISTORY.UH.EDU

Tweets about

  • America’s Reconstruction: #SeidelAPUSH
  • Pearl Harbor Speech: Day of Infamy
  • RT @ChrisLynnHedges: Kerry's full speech to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations:
  • Kerry's full speech to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations:
  • Conditions in the Postwar South: #SeidelAPUSH
  • "Our country's national crime is lynching." #IdaBWells #BlackLivesMatter
  • @DreEastwood @CrownHerQueen there was but it wasn’t as prominent as the the division that exists today. Check page 3
  • A Northerner Reflects on the Significance of the Emancipation Proclamation: #SeidelAPUSH
  • Enjoying digging through primary sources & other materials available at Kudos to the people at U of H! #sschat
  • Favorite website - I have 2: #12daystwitter
  • "Surely there will be a day of reckoning for those who defraud the laborer of his hire."
  • "If you fail to pay us for faithful labors in the past we can have little faith in your promises in the future."
  • "and we have concluded to test your sincerity by asking you to send us our wages for the time we served you."
  • RT @public_archive: A Former Slave Decline His Master's Invitation to Return to His Plantation: #Ferguson
  • MUST READ A Former Tennessee Slaves Decline His Master's Invitation to Return to His Plantation via @public_archive
  • A Former Slave Decline His Master's Invitation to Return to His Plantation: #Ferguson
  • Hinton Helper’s "The Impending Crisis of the South” How does it compare/contrast to Uncle Tom’s Cabin?#SeidelAPUSH
  • for American History #tlap
  • RT @Combat_Jack: A Former Tennessee Slave Declines His Master's Invitation 2 Return 2 His Plantation
  • A Former Tennessee Slave Declines His Master's Invitation 2 Return 2 His Plantation
  • RT @Combat_Jack: A Former Tennessee Slave Declines His Master's Invitation to Return to His Plantation
  • A Former Tennessee Slaves Decline His Master's Invitation to Return to His Plantation
  • Read this. Incredible.